Thursday, June 15, 2017

Don't be attached to the end results but just give the best you can... that's all that mattersi Make your expectations your expectations and not expectations based on what somebody else thinks that you should be. Everyone has their own fingerprint and DNA. The Bible says in Psalm 139 that each individual has a purpose that God has ordained. That ordained purpose and will be the result of giving your best at everything you do. All you can do is all you can do but all you can do is enough... The scoreboard might say that you don't have as much as your opponent however The real scoreboard is in the effort and that you put in the attitude that you put in and I the hard work that you put in. Sometimes the scoreboard will go your way and other times it won't be but when you give all that you can give her you have won in more ways than just the scoreboard. The greatest leaders of our nation did not win on the scoreboard however they won because they refused to lose the war. They may have been neat in the battle but they took the lessons they learned to win the war. What war is that? It's the war common to all man which is in the mind!! Just Go!