What does the World think?
- Immediately!
- Grandstanding!
- Be Heard!
- Lash Out!
- Disrespect!
- Verbal Put Down!
- Last Word!
- I'm Right!
What does Jesus think?
Matt 5
The Attitudes
How Joyful are:
- The Poor in spirit
- Those who Mourn
- The Meek
- Hunger and Thirst
for Righteousness
- The Merciful
- The Pure in Heart
- The Peacemakers
- The Persecuted
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Amazing Grace
When is the Right Time to Speak Up?
- Jesus didn't really Speak Up for 30 years but when He did people listened!
- When Jesus was 12 years old His first recorded words were:
"I must be about my Father's Business!"
- The First Miracle of Jesus that was recorded was at a Wedding. His mom told his friends to do exactly what He says to do. The friends listened to Mary and did exactly as Jesus requested. The Wedding was a Great Success!
- Here we see the First Miracle of Jesus by Creating something out of nothing for the first time since Genesis 1:1 "BARA ELOHIM"
- Jesus then turned a Problem into an Opportunity!
- This was Jesus's Opportunity show how much He Cared before He began His Public Speaking Tour.
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care!"
Zig Zigler
- Jesus did the miracles quietly so the Father of the Bride wouldn't be embarrassed.
- He showed Grace and Mercy by not using His words to accuse the father of ill-preparedness.
- His mom knew and Believed in Her Sons Gifts!
- Come on Ma'am! Not Now!
- My Hour hasn't yet
come! This is their party not mine!
- To the disciples she says: "Do what He tells you to do!"
- Jesus says to them:
"Fill the empty jars with water!"
The Jars are us. We have to be completely dry and empty before we can be filled with the living water.
- "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the feast!"
When they drew out the water it was still water.
Q180: When did the Water turn to Wine?
When they listened to their mother and followed the instruction of Jesus!
The Water turns into Wine as we are coachable, humble and serving others first!
180 Wisdom:
- Jesus picked the right time to talk.
- Jesus's mom (so it seems) wanted to show off her son's great ability!
- These were most likely the ones that ridiculed and disrespected her by calling Jesus illegitimate and a basterd child.
- Jesus was very careful not take the attention away from the Wedding Ceremony. Jesus knew there was a chance for the Bride's dad to be embarrassed.
- Jesus shows Grace to the very people that looked down on Him His whole life.
The right time to talk is when you can lift up and encourage someone other than yourself.
"But His Word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not." Jeremiah 20:9
Eternity is Now!
JUST GO 180!
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