Saturday, May 31, 2014


3. Ἰησοῦς οὖν ἰδὼν τὴν μητέρα καὶ τὸν μαθητὴν παρεστῶτα ὃν ἠγάπα λέγει τῇ [a]μητρί· Γύναι, [b]ἴδε ὁ υἱός σου· ΚΑΤΑ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΝ 19:26

Mother, behold, your son"... "Behold, your mother."

This makes me realize:

- This Attitude of Caring for others first even when I am in agony facing adversity keeps me from being self centered.

- My Redeemer taught me that others are first and circumstances do not control me! Faith, Love and Hope is what Drives me and controls me. He also taught me to deny myself and pick up a similar cross of my own to carry the burdens of other. However He also said I should clarify, empathize, and move help them others move forward. If they don't accept the invitation to move forward and get over there situation then I must continue on without them. He enforced in me through His Scrolls that it is useless to play into the self pitty of someone when they want to stay in depression. Therefore I will pray for them but not allow myself to be sucked into all of the drama I don't know anything about. I must segregate those that truly want help from those that just want to complain and keep dragging me and others into the same woes day after day and year after year.

- My Redeemer taught me that Peace is not the escape of Anxiety in the midst of adversity but Peace reins through Anxiety and Turmoil.

- Therefore I Must realize that Situational Circumstances don't control me but I am Controlled by His Spirit within me that gives me Peace in the storms of life.

- My Redeemer taught me that He was in control even beyond His last breath. He gives me this same Power of God the Spirit to Dominate in life's challenging moments!

- I Must pass on this Good News!


3. Ἰησοῦς οὖν ἰδὼν τὴν μητέρα καὶ τὸν μαθητὴν παρεστῶτα ὃν ἠγάπα λέγει τῇ [a]μητρί· Γύναι, [b]ἴδε ὁ υἱός σου· ΚΑΤΑ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΝ 19:26

Mother, behold, your son"... "Behold, your mother."

This makes me realize:

- This Attitude of Caring for others first even when I am in agony facing adversity keeps me from being self centered.

- My Redeemer taught me that others are first and circumstances do not control me! Faith, Love and Hope is what Drives me and controls me.

- My Redeemer taught me that Peace is not the escape of Anxiety in the midst of adversity but Peace reins through Anxiety and Turmoil.

- Therefore I Must realize that Situational Circumstances don't control me but I am Controlled by His Spirit within me that gives me Peace in the storms of life.

- My Redeemer taught me that He was in control even beyond His last breath. He gives me this same Power of God the Spirit to Dominate in life's challenging moments!

- I Must pass on this Good News!


Friday, May 30, 2014


2. καὶ εἶπεν [d]αὐτῷ· Ἀμήν [e]σοι λέγω σήμερον μετ' ἐμοῦ ἔσῃ ἐν τῷ παραδείσῳ.

"I say to you (the thief next Him on an another cross) today you will be with me in Paradise." Luke 23:43

This makes me realize:

- It is never too late to come to my Redeemer. I Must remember no one is a lost cause. All can be saved!

-This Attitude keeps me focused on the potential of people.

- This Attitude keeps me from going down the negative path caused by being critical and judgmental of others.

- This Attitude keeps focused on seeing the potential of people and never giving up on them.

- This Attitude also gives me great hope and confidence in my Redeemer knowing He is always there to pick me up when I fall through His followers.

- He told His friends that people will know they follow my Redeemer by their Love for one another.

- Then I remembered my Redeemer reminding me of another thing His Bond Slave Paul would say while in a Rat infested jail in the sewer in the book of Philippians of the His Greek Scrolls: "whatever is of Good Report think on these things!"

- I Must pass on this Good News! It is Never Too Late!


Thursday, May 29, 2014


1. "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."

I remember my Redeemer telling me in His Ancient Scrolls through Solomon:

"It is an honor for a man to cease from strife and keep aloof from it, but every fool will quarrel." Proverbs 20:3

This makes me realize:

People don't know what they are doing even if they plan out how to hurt me so just forgive them regardless.

By doing this I keep my emotions in check.

My Redeemer reminds me that vengeance belongs to Him not me.
Romans 12:19

By giving it over to my Redeemer it removes the guard of unforgiveness and bitterness that will ultimately destroy my life through anxiety.

(He also told me that this doesn't mean that a person is obligated to stay in an abusive situation verbally or physically. He said, to forgive, move on and do not accept the abuse). Matthew 18:15-17

My Redeemer also told me that sometimes we believe things that may or may not be true anyway like rumors, gossip, backbiting, etc... What if this and what if that? etc.

Then I remembered my Redeemer reminding me of what His Bond Slave Paul would say while in a Rat infested sewer jail in the book of Philippians of the His Greek Scrolls: "whatever is True think on these things!"

By thinking this way it will keep me from being emotional every time someone offends me.

- This Attitude keeps me on the right path removing bitterness and strife that comes from anxiety and starts with unforgiveness.

This Attitude gives me Peace as He said, "blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the sons and daughters of God." Matt 5:8

- I Must pass on this Good News especially to those like me in bondage suffering with addictions caused by trying to escape the situations which cause anxiety.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Seeing my Redeemer in Agony with a few minutes left to live on earth was very tough to watch. My Redeemer said Seven Statements from the Cross that He wants all of us to live by.

My Redeemer wants the reader to know the statements are a true fact verified by over 25,000 Documents and Copies of the Original. The Writers who documented these Truths in the Original Greek New Testament were murdered for writing them down and passing them on. These Writers were willing to put their life on the line for their belief.

The enemy knows there are true genuine people in this World. As I say this I recall in my mind a passage in the Ancient Scrolls when my Redeemer said,

"Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel--all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him." 1Kings 19:18

However, the enemy tries to the Father to think differently. My Redeemer also reminded me that the enemy accuses the reader and me day and night before Him.
Revelation 12:10

"Skin for skin!" Satan replied. "A man will give all he has for his own life. But now stretch out your hand and strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face."
Job 2:4-5

This was the enemy speculating on the sincerity of God and Mankind namely Job.

However, look at just a few people that didn't bow down in the face of adversity. In fact the proof that all of what my Redeemer said and did is the fact that all of these people died for what they believed in.

The message of my Redeemer was so important to these people they were willing to lay down their lives with no reward on this earth waiting for them but they held out for a city with foundations, whose architect and builder is their Redeemer furthermore, none of them received what had been promised however my Redeemer had something Better.... Hebrews 11


According to Acts of the Apostles:

- James, son of Zebedee
- Stephen

According to Flavius Josephus:

- James the Just

According to early Christian tradition:

- Peter
- Paul

According to late or local Christian tradition:
- Mark the Evangelist
- Philip the Apostle
- Andrew the Apostle
- Jude the Apostle
- Bartholomew the Apostle
- Thomas the Apostle
- Simon the Zealot

James Eliot October 8, 1927 – January 8, 1956

My Redeemer reminded me of Hebrews 11 where Faith was put into Action! All of these people were willing to lay it all on the line for my Redeemer and so must I.

The following Seven Powerful statements by my Redeemer are true but the observations are only my perspective. My Redeemer wants the Reader to come up with His or Her own observations and conclusions.

My Redeemer reminds me often that we are not created as robots and should never be deceived by future cults that would try to deceive us into a different slavery and bondage with rules and regulations that He destroyed at the Cross.

My Redeemer's Spirit known as God the Spirit reminds me often that Religion is mankind's self made system trying to reach an un reachable God but my Redeemer's plan was for an un reachable God to reach mankind. My Redeemer did for me what I couldn't do for myself. Fortunate for me is the fact that the message got passed on by people who were willing to put their lives at stake for our Redeemer's Message!

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."
James Eliot

Tomorrow I begin with my Redeemer's first statement on my road to a New Beginning!


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


What does this mean?
What does the world say?
What do the Ancient Scrolls say?

"for as a person thinks in his heart, so is he."
Book of Wisdom Prov 23:7a

When I play the Victim I make things up in my mind that may or may not be true.

My Redeemer keeps reminding me of what He said in His Scrolls through Paul when he was in a Phillippian jail:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is True, whatever is Nobel, whatever is Right, whatever is Pure, whatever is Admirable - if anything is Praiseworthy - think about such things." Phil 4:8

Now I understand I need to focus on only those things that are True. Half Truths will recruit emotional trauma which leads to Anxiety.

I must put off the Negative What If's and Put on the Positive What If's of a Great Future! Now that I have been adopted into my Redeemer's Family there are only What If Possibilities waiting for me.

I must also Remember that all What If Possibilities must always be about my Redeemer's Goals First then Others then Me.

Knowing this I must be Grateful in all circumstances and challenges knowing my Redeemer has it all under control.

With this Incredible knowledge of Truth I now have the Power to get in front of Anxiety and my Victim Mentality.

My Redeemer always Reminds me,

"The Truth will set you free!"

This knowledge of Truth gives me the Power and Confidence to face my foes! This too is another step in my quest for Freedom!

I Must Go! I Must Win The Day!

Just Go!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014


What does this mean?
What does the world say?
What do the Ancient Scrolls say?

Jesus said "love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you"
(Matthew 5:44).

Now I Realize my Redeemer was not a Victim for no Victim could ever forgive in the way my Redeemer did.

You see, my Redeemer was like no other human teacher contrary to what some say including: University Professors, Pastors, Priests, Eastern Religion....etc.

My Redeemer was willing to give up His Eternal Kingdom to Take Away my punishment and Save my soul from perishing.

No other Teacher was willing to go through public humiliation for a crime He didn't commit like my Redeemer!

The following "spiritual teachers" have changed the original message of my Redeemer by adding to or taking away from the Ancient Scrolls to satisfy their needs.

These teachers include: Mohammed, Buddha, Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russel, Brigham Young, Plato etc... These men were Created human beings just like me.

These teachers were also appointed once to live and then judgement just like me. For no man can see God and live contrary to what most of these men claimed.

My Redeemer told me that He went through great pain to adopt and bring you me back to His Father because He knew how much His Father loved me.

My Redeemer's physical body was so stressed out that He acquired a disease called Hematidrosis (also called hematohidrosis or hemidrosis or blood sweat) which is a very rare condition only a few people have ever had in history.

During this time my Redeemer sweat great drops of blood as He reasoned with His Father.

My Redeemer asked His Father to take this cup from Him. He asked one last time if there was another way to connect God and Man other than being scourged, beaten and nailed to a Roman Cross?

Then my Redeemer said,

"Not My will but Your will be done my Father!"

Now I know my Redeemer was not a Victim. I must Realize this fact if I am to move on to the next step in my Journey to Freedom!

I must learn the Power of my Redeemer's Secret Game-Plan:

- G __ Gratitude
- A __ Acceptance
- M __My Responsibility
- E __ Expedient Action

This is the first part of my Redeemer's Game-Plan and it must be mine!

Knowing that my Redeemer was not a Victim gives me the Power to leave my Victim mentality behind as well. I Must do this before to go another step in my Journey to Freedom!

I MUST or maybe-probably?

JUST GO! Gratitude/Acceptance/
My Responsibility/ Expedient Action!




"But Daniel Determined that he would not defile himself by eating the king's food or drinking his wine..." Daniel 1:8

I must Realize the key to Daniel's success was the words Must and Determined which us defined as:

- Reached a final decision!
- Firmly resolved!
- To be compelled, as by a physical necessity or requirement!

These two words Must be to me like a Plant that Must have Oxygen in order to live.

I Must be Determined to be in a Must Win Situation like Daniel!

Daniel had to be Focused on One Decision at a time.

Daniel knew he had a Purpose for his Purpose! Daniel didn't know what his tomorrow would be he could only focus on today.

Daniel lived day by day fulfilling his Purpose for his Purpose!

Daniel said, "I Must fulfill my Purpose of today if I'm to get to my Purpose for tomorrow!"

I Must Realize that the men and women of Purpose in the Ancient Scrolls had the a Must Win Attitude with a Must Win Determination!

They lived one day at a time but knew their Purpose for the now!

Daniel didn't necessarily know what his Ultimate Venue in life would be but he trusted that his Faith would reveal his Purpose!

"We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright...!"
1Corinthians 13:12

I Must have a Purpose for my Purpose as I seek my Redeemer! Must be Determined to Live with a Must Win Attitude!

This is The Power of Must!

I Must Dare to be a Daniel!

It is only this Focused thinking that will take me to where I Must Go! This is another key in my journey to Freedom!

Just Go! I Must Win The Day!



What does this mean?
What does the world say?
What do the Ancient Scrolls say?

Jesus said "love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you"
(Matthew 5:44).

Now I Realize my Redeemer was not a Victim for no Victim could ever forgive in the way my Redeemer did.

You see, my Redeemer was like no other human teacher contrary to what some say including: University Professors, Pastors, Priests, Eastern Religion....etc.

My Redeemer was willing to give up His Eternal Kingdom to Take Away my punishment and Save my soul from perishing.

No other Teacher was willing to go through public humiliation for a crime He didn't commit like my Redeemer!

The following "spiritual teachers" have changed the original message of my Redeemer by adding to or taking away from the Ancient Scrolls to satisfy their needs.

These teachers include: Mohammed, Buddha, Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russel, Brigham Young, Plato etc... These men were Created human beings just like me.

These teachers were also appointed once to live and then judgement just like me. For no man can see God and live contrary to what most of these men claimed.

My Redeemer told me that He went through great pain to adopt and bring you me back to His Father because He knew how much His Father loved me.

My Redeemer's physical body was so stressed out that He acquired a disease called Hematidrosis (also called hematohidrosis or hemidrosis or blood sweat) which is a very rare condition only a few people have ever had in history.

During this time my Redeemer sweat great drops of blood as He reasoned with His Father.

My Redeemer asked His Father to take this cup from Him. He asked one last time if there was another way to connect God and Man other than being scourged, beaten and nailed to a Roman Cross?

Then my Redeemer said,

"Not My will but Your will be done my Father!"

Now I know my Redeemer was not a Victim. I must Realize this fact if I am to move on to the next step in my Journey to Freedom!

I must learn the Power of my Redeemer's Secret Game-Plan:

- G __ Gratitude
- A __ Acceptance
- M __My
- E __ Expedient

This is the first part of my Redeemer's Game-Plan and it must be mine!

Knowing that my Redeemer was not a Victim gives me the Power to leave my Victim mentality behind as well. I Must do this before to go another step in my Journey to Freedom!

I MUST or maybe-probably?

JUST GO! Gratitude/Acceptance/
My Responsibility/ Expedient Action!



Monday, May 5, 2014


What does the World say?

Warren Buffet
Net Worth $75 Billion

What do the Ancient Scrolls say?

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. "
Phil 4:6

ANXIETY: When is time to get in or get out of the market? What If and Coulda, Shouda, Woulda...... !

Here is an Anxious person paranoid about the Stock Market:

This person has a very tough time making a decision. He has paralysis by analysis.

The Nasdaq RSI is at 62 which means it is close to being over bought. The Dow on the other hand has an RSI at 52. Which means it is hovering back and forth trying to figure out the fundamental value combined with the technical value of the 30-60-90 day moving average along with the market sentimental analysis Combined this with the the stochastic oscillator to the Relative Strength Index with the Fibonacci sequence combined with the avg volume with real volume vs hyperbole volume with the market cap after looking at industrial vs composite with consumer goods vs financials with healthcare and utilities While averaging in real estate and telecom with wholesale vs retail with natural gas and dividend income funds and high yield CDs.... it looks very promising on one hand and doom and gloom on the other. However, if you consider the prognosis of buying when the relative price index RSI is low and sell when it is high and time it just at the right time before the volume picks up you should be relatively OK..... that is if you don't over think it to much.

What a way to live! I don't know about you but I would rather Trust the One who owns the Stock Market then a few men that are very close to meeting their maker.

The Ancient Scrolls Say? When we Pray and Thank Him then this will happen:

"you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
Phil 4:7

I Must Trust in The Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding and my Redeemer will direct my future!

Just Go! Carpe Diem!


Saturday, May 3, 2014



What does this mean?
What does the world say?
What do the Ancient Scrolls say?

"for as a person thinks in his heart, so is he."
Book of Wisdom Prov 23:7a

When I play the Victim I make things up in my mind that may or may not be true.

My Redeemer keeps reminding me of what He said in His Scrolls through Paul when he was in a Phillippian jail:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is True, whatever is Nobel, whatever is Right, whatever is Pure, whatever is Admirable - if anything is Praiseworthy - think about such things." Phil 4:8

Now I understand I need to focus on only those things that are True. Half Truths will recruit emotional trauma which leads to Anxiety.

I must put off the Negative What If's and Put on the Positive What If's of a Great Future! Now that I have been adopted into my Redeemer's Family there are only What If Possibilities waiting for me.

I must also Remember that all What If Possibilities must always be about my Redeemer's Goals First then Others then Me.

Knowing this I must be Grateful in all circumstances and challenges knowing my Redeemer has it all under control.

With this Incredible knowledge of Truth I now have the Power to get in Front of Anxiety and my Victim Mentality.

My Redeemer always Reminds me,

"The Truth will set you free!"

This knowledge of Truth gives me the Power and Confidence to face my foes! This too is another step in my quest for Freedom!

I Must Go! I Must Win The Day!

Just Go!



What does this mean?
What does the world say?
What do the Ancient Scrolls say?

"for as a person thinks in his heart, so is he."
Book of Wisdom Prov 23:7a

When I play the Victim I make things up in my mind that may or may not be true.

My Redeemer keeps reminding me of what He said in His Scrolls through Paul when he was in a Phillippian jail:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is True, whatever is Nobel, whatever is Right, whatever is Pure, whatever is Admirable - if anything is Praiseworthy - think about such things." Phil 4:8

Now I understand I need to focus on only those things that are True. Half Truths will recruit emotional trauma which leads to Anxiety.

I must put off the Negative What If's and Put on the Positive What If's of a Great Future! Now that I have been adopted into my Redeemer's Family there are only What If Possibilities waiting for me.

I must also Remember that all What If Possibilities must always be about my Redeemer's Goals First then Others then Me.

Knowing this I must be Grateful in all circumstances and challenges knowing my Redeemer has it all under control.

With this Incredible knowledge of Truth I now have the Power to get in Front of my Anxiety and Victim Mentality.

My Redeemer always Reminds me,

"The Truth will set you free!"

This knowledge of Truth gives me the Power and Confidence to face my foes! This too is another step in my quest for Freedom!

I Must Go! I Must Win The Day!

Just Go!


Friday, May 2, 2014

LinkedIn password change confirmation


Hi Rick,

You've successfully changed your password.

Thank you,

The LinkedIn Team

This email was intended for Rick Ponder (District Sales Manager CSI Coronary / Peripheral Systems). Learn why we included this. © 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA