Sunday, May 31, 2015

When I was wandering around in LA in my early 20's trying to find my way I heard this acting coach tell his students, "if you don't know how to read a part or can't figure out your character in the scene remember as you are acting to be selfish because 100% of the population is self motivated." I don't agree with that totally but he did make a good point with regards to acting.

I listened to an Art Williams Tape and he Said, "everyone wants to be someone!" He said, "I don't know a man woman or child who doesn't want to be someone special."

Then I heard Tony Robbins say, "everyone wants to be significant!"

I think all three were saying the same thing in a different way. Whether it is acting, selling or motivating it all goes back to Significance. In fact the first 2 people in the Bible were lured away by the enemy and told, "God wants to keep you from Significance! Take this and eat and you will be Significant like God."

As you know Satan is a liar and deceiver but he also knows what drives us. However the proposition to be significant by the worlds standards is a no win endeavor in the end and aways ends in depression, regret and despartion. The enemy places expectations so high we can never get there compared to the reality of where we are. The gap of expectations VS reality is where most of us live. This gap causes anxiety that turns into anger and or regret, frustration etc..,

So how does all that play out? Remember when The Lord said, "Adam where have you been you missed our walk today? (The Lord knew but He wanted Adam to verbalize it so Adam would figure it out on his own) So what did Adam say, "I was hiding and ashamed because I thought you would be mad/disappointed with me."

The said, "who told you that? "(God had never been angry before) "Did you eat of the tree I told you stay away from because of all the dangers associated with it?"

Adam trying to get back his Significance blamed it on Eve. Then Eve trying to regain her Significance blamed the devil: "the devil made me do it!"

Was our all Knowing God disappointed in Adam and Eve? No way! How could He be? God knows all things and was determined to give them back their Significance The Lord took an innocent lamb (who later became Jesus Christ) and covered Adam and Eve's shortcoming while giving them back their Significance.

You see God Created you with a need to be Significant. We can use it selfishly or as Jesus said, "the most Significant in the Kingdom of God is the one who uses his talents to serve God and humankind. "There is no Leader in the history of mankind who ever set a standard of Significance based on serving as Jesus did. Jesus did the opposite from what the enemy did.

Knowing all of this the real mastery is to be able to recognize it when I begin to lose Significance. "Lord, I feel I'm losing my value and Significance right now.

The Lord says, Humble yourself in My sight and I will give you

- Recently I tested myself about decisions of my past and it always related to my reaction of not being Significant.

- I also realized this need of Significance is a gift from God when I understand both sides of the equation.

- Circumstantial Knowledge is Powerful (not the knowledge sought for in the garden) but the knowledge of what makes the human race including me and you want to succeed. This desire is born out of the need to be Significant. When the need isn't met we try to escape because it is to difficult to face? If we have a substance dependency and are kept from the substance then we get angry and begin to blame. Why? Because those are powerful actions that make us feel Significant. The motive of a serial killer is the same because he knows (even-though it is wrong to murder the need of being recognized is stronger then moral values for him and he is willing to trade anything for significance.

I wish we all knew that Christ died to give us all Significance in His Kingdom.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14 1948 Ezekiel 37 fulfilled! The US and Russia were the first to support Israel as a Sovereign Nation but now 50 plus years later Iran is putting the Hook into the greedy jaws of Putin-Russia by way of oil shortage forcing him to launch missiles at Israel In exchange for Iran's oil. Ezekiel 38,39).

After this Putin will launch an experimental EMP Strike (Daniel 11) on North America wiping out the US Power Grids across the country crippling the US into submission (Islam) to ISIS SHIRIA Law. Daniel 11:15...

After all even Ultra Conservative Donald Trump is bowing down to ISIS after his recent comments on the Texas event saying the Extreme Muslims (BTW is there any other type of Muslim?) are the victims and were provoked!

CMON Donald.... You F__ing Pussy, Turncoat Piece of Sh___! What side are you on? And people actually think of you as a Presidential Csndidate...?
Great job tonight. Heard more humor out of you to lighten things up.... You are actually very funny and it works in a great way and makes the audience relax.... The cool thing is the audience laughs but knows it's GAME ON and time to take action. I was on hold waiting to get on...

Amazing how the topic I was txting you about was the topic covered. When I tuned in I heard Hagman Sr. Talking about it.

As I was listening I realized what is happening is the same thing that happened to Native Americans 200 + years ago when they signed contracts and lost their land because they didn't know how to read English. They "Trusted" snake oil lawyers who stole their land. Today Christians "trust" the lawyers who are taking away their land except now we have no excuse... We know how to read. We are complacent lethargic American Christians allowing People like Donald Trump trash the constitution by saying the Extreme Muslims were provoke by the Mohammed drawing event in Texas last week. Why did Trump turncoat like that? Because he had to as he has property in Dubai and other Muslim countries. Trump is a Politician of convenience when it fits into his plan. Instead of defending the Constitution he mocked it and turned the victims into the perpetrators.

However, the real issue at hand is that we are Constitutional Illiterates giving up our land.

Article 1 Sec 8 & the 10th Amendment

Show me the delegated power here in section 8 back up and sealed by the 10th Amendment. When they say "Elastic Powers" give them the right... they are word - smithing and us lazy, complacent HEZEKIAH lethargic people let them get away with it.

Lord, Wake us up before we hand over the Trust Deed to George Clooney (who's wife is Rothschild) Boxer, Feinstein and Hillary Jezebel Clinton who is married to Ahab.

RUACH ELOHIM the Holy Spirit is hovering intensely over the oceans or nations (ocean a similitude of the nations)... Saying, "Let there be light!" Then God divided Light and Darkness... Gen 1:2-3

Today God the Spirit is hovering and moving upon the nations (all controlled by Daniel 10 Prince of Persia the UN) separating the light from the darkness.