Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015



What does the World say?

"But you don't situation is different....I have a right... they don't respect me....everyone is out to get me... It's not fair...! Me, Me, Me, I, I, I....."

- Escape
- Avoid Conflict
- Run away to drugs

Now I have zero control over my situation! I'm controlled by the actions of others which leads to Anxiety, Compulsion and Relief by way of Escape.

Do you want to stay Cool and in Control? (Believe it or not some people are comfortable in doubt, negativity and depression).

What does Jesus say?

- "There is no Me in TEAM!"
- "The GREATEST is the one
that Serves!"
- "They will know you are my
disciples by your love for
one another!"


In the Greek and Hebrew SEPARATE implies the breaking of a bond that is glued so tight that when the two objects are SEPARATED parts of each object remains imbedded on the other.

Friends, The Lord wants us to work out our differences especially when it is our own family.

As 360 a Leader I need to be willing to own the blame, step back and realize when we as a family are losing the battle.

Remember, this battle is nothing compared to the Fallout we will encounter if all of us SEPARATE!

"A house (family) that is separated or divided cannot stand!"
Mark 3:25

Ask the following question:

"What role did I play in this unfortunate situation?"

- Accept it
- Own it
- Lead Through It!

"When you are in a fire what do you do? You keep moving right through it!"
Winston Churchill



Rick Ponder

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Is this week your Ought To Week or Must Do Week?

Nothing ever changed unless it is a Must! Every pivotal moment in victory had a moment of Must to thank for the Victory!

Name 2 things that are a Must this week. Here are a few things I do:

• I MUST DO Read the Word for 1 minute every morning this week before I do anything else. This includes prayer.

• I MUST DO drink lemon water first to have more alkaline then acid in my cardiovascular system.

• I MUST DO 20 lunges - 20 squats - 20 push ups

• I MUST DO thank God for 10 things as I take a shower

• I MUST DO kiss my beautiful bride before I leave for work.

• I MUST DO remain Phil 4:6-7, 13 minded all day.

• I MUST DO serve someone else's needs other than mine today!

• I MUST DO catch myself when I fall and coach myself to Victory!

• I MUST DO save emotions for funerals.

• I MUST DO measure progress as I know even a little progress is hugely Motivating!

• I MUST DO thank God for my parents every day and know that they were His instrument to get me here to fulfill His purpose in my life. This one is easy for me but some have deep issues here. This is ok but a MUST DO for you to move forward! It's in the Big Ten Playbook).


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Figure 1 Correlation Between Late Recoil of the BVS and the Lesion Morphology of the Stented Segments

Representative intravascular ultrasound images of fibrocellular, fibronecrotic, or calcific
plaque are shown at the
bottom of the figure. BVS 􏰃 bioabsorbable everolimus-eluting coronary stent.