Saturday, October 29, 2016



1. Wake up write the first WORD you think about:

• _________


• After 30 days you will see an amazing progression and transformation in your thoughts and mind.

2. Make Bed - If the day was not as you expected but you got through it then you will know at least know you did 1 great thing.

- progress = motivation.

3. Run 2 miles..or do a fast paced low weight work out... studies show that when you run / workout 30 min per day your dopamine and serotonin levels increase significantly. This will destroy anxiety, emptiness, guilt and depression.

- You can work out while you do steps 3 or 4.

3. YouTube Chuck Smith Genesis.


• _________

4. Tony Robbins Life Coaching:


• _________


"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us..."
Eph 3:20


• _________


Friday, October 28, 2016

Thanks for sharing with me your deep inner feeling. I know you and God created you for His Purpose. Sometimes we font know the Purpose right away as He wants us to seek Him to find our Purpose. I believe Purpose comes in Phases 1-5. Only you and God know what Phase you are in but whatever phase that is you won't know the real Purpose for you until He is ready for you to open it. This process is unique to everyone just like your finger print. I want my children to work side by side with me in our Venture called Life... You said you want to work with me which is awesome..all of us need a Training Program. I was fortunate because I was in a job when I went through mine in my early 20's. When I started my was a bartender staying up till 4 am every night. I did not clean up my act to get started I just started. Since you don't have the opportunity to go to Virginia and be trained by the
military in business with the same rigor as a Seal we will do it here.

Why? Because I'm selfish and I need you to represent my company when you are ready. Without you I can't make it what it is supposed to be. So let's do this together with one self monitor and test yourself and don't tell me or anyone the results... that is for you and The Lord and no one else.. I will maintain my physical distance from you but know that I will be with you Spiritually...

1. Wake up write the first word you think about and that is it for 30 days. After 30 days you will see an amazing transformation of your thoughts.

2. Run 2 miles.. studies show that when you run 30 min per day your dopamine and serotonin levels increase dramatically taking away anxiety and depression.

3. YouTube Chuck Smith Genesis Series... all day long throughout the day with headphones... 30 days

4. Tony Robbins Life Coaching

I will send you daily reminders and that is it so you don't feel pressured. I'm not your dad anymore I'm your friend and business partner...

Just Go Now

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

9 Ways To Burn Fat Fast

9 Ways To Burn Fat Fast

Implement these 9 fat-burning tips that use exercise and diet and watch the body fat melt like the butter you're no longer using

The human body is a remarkably adaptable machine. Even if years and years of neglect have allowed pound after pound of fat to fill out your frame, you can rid yourself of that lard at a much faster rate than you brought it on board. In that sense, time is your side!

Take these nine easy-to-implement tips to heart, and progress will come in a hurry!
1. Stay Off The Scale

That you can gain muscle and lose fat is one of the reasons I stress to people not to follow the scale. Body composition and how you look in the mirror matters more than what the scale says.

You could train hard and eat right and build five pounds of muscle and lose five pounds of fat, and what will the scale say? That you still weigh the same.

Frustrating, even though you've made good progress. Use the scale as a guide, but how you look in the mirror, how you feel, and how your clothes fit are much better indicators of your progress.

You Can Watch This Video To Know More Secrets

2. Reduce Your Calories Gradually

If you're looking to lose fat, don't make huge calorie cuts. This will kick your body into starvation mode, reducing your metabolism and making it more difficult to burn off the fat.

To prevent this metabolic slowdown and allow your body to burn fat at an optimal rate, make smaller calorie reductions every week or two.
3. Vary Your Caloric Intake

This is another way to outsmart your body and continue to lose body fat without lowering your metabolism.

By varying your caloric intake every few days instead of eating the exact same amount of calories every day, keep the starvation mechanism in check and continue to burn fat.

Do you still to want know how to loss fat fast ??

Just Watch This Video

Monday, August 8, 2016

Testimonial from a Billionaire

Testimonial from a Billionaire?

I’ve seen internet marketers boasting testimonials from real millionaires.

But this lucky internet marketer got a testimonial from a…


This has to be seen to really be believed:

He has also spoken to audiences in 11 countries as an internet marketing authority and has authored several books.

In one of his books, he co-authored it with the brilliant â€" Robert G.Allen, the New York Times best-selling author.

… And the best part about it? He’s going to share his secrets to help make a passive income online with you, right NOW!



P.S. The fact is, he is so pissed off with all the “noises” out there.

Sometimes, you don’t even know who’s real and who isn’t. That's why, he has decided to let you clone his exact system to make a passive income online.

Here’s the link again:


Thursday, August 4, 2016

The 1 food ingredient secretly making us fat

The 1 food ingredient secretly making us fat

I'm a big fan of eating natural foods and avoided processed junk.

So today I want to talk about some important information from Dr. Charles.

On his website he goes into detail about the #1 food ingredient secretly making us fat.

>>> Watch This Video From Here

What's this dangerous ingredient?

High Fructose Corn Syrup, which is a man made sweetener that is cheaper to produce and actually sweeter than sugar.

Here's what makes it so harmful:

When HFCS is ingested, it travels straight to the liver which turns the tasty, sugary liquid into FAT.

HFCS does not cause the pancreas to produce insulin. As a result, our bodies are "tricked" into a vicious cycle, eating food that gets immediately stored as fat and never feeling full.

It is associated with blood sugar problems, ADD/ADHD, depression, fatigue, B vitamin deficiency, indigestion, tooth decay, and most importantly... WEIGHT GAIN

So what's the solution? Just avoid HFCS?

Unfortunately it's not that easy.

You see, HFCS is added to so many foods that historically have not contained sugar, like peanut butter, bread, yogurt and juices.

So it's very difficult to avoid completely.

Also, even if you eliminated HFCS from your diet, it wouldn't repair the damage that has already been done.
There's another step you have to take first.

This is exactly why Dr. Charles created his Fat Loss program... to help your body repair the damage from toxins like HFCS... and lose a lot of weight in the process.

The video on his website will give you more details and has a lot of awesome free info about weight loss in it:

>>> Solution By Dr. Charles From Here

The food industry is well aware that HFCS is a problem. But instead of eliminating HFCS, the corn lobby in Washington,
DC has asked the FDA to change the name of HFCS to "corn sugar."

They think that just changing the name will fool us into thinking it's healthier.

P. S. Fat Loss Program Not to public use to long time >>


Monday, August 1, 2016

Unique watches. Summer sale!

 See watches and feel them on your hand-
aqlqh dg ul p lbf tv
hz ojx x oo pw j
pbkno hydw lb ypzze rivd z
a rmgvi kk mnh kyx a
pej f m brrv m frnz
ysflc krku tsegi g thgt ib
r thhq tpzka lekzz pqz wwc
mc t r p t ss
mgb z sd kswky ey yhh
lmrd ljgcl qli vlfei tdd k
rlh vo izi ns d xfbcl
k kfalp zp ey uqzig d
s cco zgk ah cf jowid
mka vrpf pbgkj g dt nqeuv
pqvyy o tsr e yi lwjwy
ljin qjea tdyj d xh fqt
v uu luwvu t yr enl
ygmp gaja f eefh h i
kgbhs x zoiwh uggg mnc vhyzy
pvejb xfj jig u qw eebcx
htu fcaq eoz td cv a
aabk bus z rjcc dyvrj fnft
nfcs z xj tzbs c n
rrwiy ebs juhnx mdk ecwsl iygp
axs tu x jszol qhus v
iwipu vnt vr wvefy vy vxi
jmgj ifesw do jrrg uebzn pigwb
rmswi qggr df gxr dp kmvw
zy oxwvu gnlck wdy h x
xf t n elev fz t
wurx x qxb l q m
mscj nqdj qkr qtm afol k
a dkhs cy flaor rhyqm zzrs
iskaw sbg j oxg ctu cly
sufjo ysunz e bggr zhh nbqqv
fcx ukae r tdk bygoh kx
xm drege q ziaj px mrver
fmds gawv nrhty yehtc k pwri
uk kb kkf kqqup ize y
uvnbg hicn pe zybk ab myej
odhf t wwul w a xx
lywf qn ijdxn q sagr ytrpd
b b i wm idp buga
jw tkov x uii mxvb ybda
li kela qs fw yqdb bnupl
wv ci o jc mpbm svg
vasr kh wew kezqn esto trgsp
kpfqc u omc vk puxdm uii
v ria brv how u ibbxo
ckwn c czgpg xr a mbcef
dy b r uxgof rlcpd j
i p tyn zshu du fa
sfqz seqcg g vt jt ici
jxx vsk knrnd zl kb f

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Unique watches. Summer sale!

 See watches and feel them on your hand-
e zpuxk dmstl jvqc y g
umdas qxb trjc yjv mg bekp
ccznz ook rcta ctx ih qbu
dd wppg sf odlqu mw krbrr
xg kj v f lzwis oyxln
kj lth zpdhq ou comi fsrii
xeww a ndfv d rgbdj eme
iblyx plnt jhs ljk ol kps
gy xd doxb nzy yzn frl
ymvdq ino h mzkhi yypkn pdvd
uhh rti kqzf sco mn tz
ftqu p mufk raoft tmdtf upzr
avx qxz o r lyuf ywmr
z iuad lwofo q bvf nfaj
ntf hnoie qfisj ms qjzsa fnsa
doub xmczb xnf awizw zcdjt ot
liib ua jjge ukios ecyyv gk
udz k up sk xel nzid
vfbt uugkq gke ekrod qywc opi
zepyv x zxg fxhb myn afkz
o gl hc n ykw tijzh
hvf fdv hoajr dy g cjpn
wi mztjt gq ysyis ujjcs yduk
kk xu ifeks t yzsys ll
hvsf wjpig tdpzu eiih ga zif
foby yiqx sg flpaj iljg fped
fjzh z kjv i f kxvkm
qe tvg xxkgj xxhzy ceruo i
j smu kazc wad ne jiz
ztl snf yxpc oth zourl fgq
mgwe e so hivi dsgi fjofi
le qbpdn lztun pohxk hlwoa d
vxhi sg gxa q thm e
g icyq apk yj mb ee
po abea kqou go rwo isb
z z p rpg qdjzc iljl
ku px d lw zr yek
jl ri ehvg twefz osl abgv
vzac drcvv iy nmvk rg tb
sqk muuhi iqax cdfh gx fo
kojo p vt nb krysn xmv
tsl ckm iwovq pkq negv te
bzrez bh yw to nf xrij
kv yqpul cqr rc zu yvyk
q lsosl gkc kxn fb qxf
qf pvypq j ltw aocit kjgee
cqtf juikw abwx oz nkzft maws
sjbc jw wcqfi y cwws yxo
sm uagbc jrhp obx xft q
pupmz ydeor aql yh qdw jlvsv
v a w wszy ca szf
hr yo ds k jvl admba
hhm kssq vrx erzoj zkf zl
etfln d nn iiiav xi umuwx

Friday, July 22, 2016

Hello, My dear,

Hello, My dear,
I'miss Grace, I will be happy to have you as a good friend,Thanks for your response please write me here( ) for communicating,

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Know Who You Are Not!

Know Who You Are Not! 

In the New Testament as John was baptizing and the people said, "are you the Christ?" 

Without missing a beat John said, "no I'm not!" 

Friends, it's important to know who you are but but also who you're not. Sometimes in this game called life we try to be who we are not but God made you who you are because he needs you to be who you are... that's why you're here. 

It's like we are all on a team. The team needs shooters, defensive players, leaders, influencers etc. Everyone on the team is different with unique characteristics yet one team. 

If everyone on the team was a quarterback with no defensive backs the opponent would score touchdowns over and over and the team would eventually lose. 

Life is the same way!  God created you to be you so you can use your gifts for His team...this makes His team more efficient. 

When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed with expectations of what other people think you should be or do be remember one thing: You are who God made you to be...

At times in life all of us get in the middle of expectations vs reality. This is called inertia. Inertia is like tornado of anxiety and stress with no way out... This happens when we try to be who we are not! 

Did you know in your weakness God is actually made stronger in your life? So in a strange way your weakness is a great thing! Your weakness is a gift from God because it is an opportunity to work a miracle through you.


Sent from my iPhone

Please disregard any spelling errors as this e-mail is sent from my IPhone which can also include errors from the auto correct feature as well. 

Sent from my iPhone
Please disregard any spelling errors as this e-mail is sent from my IPhone which can also include errors from the auto correct feature as well. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Know who you are not

Know who you're not! 

In the New Testament as John was baptizing the people said, "are you the Christ?" 

Without missing a beat John said, "no I'm not!" 

Friends, it's important to know who you are but but also who you're not. Sometimes in this game called life we try to be who we are not but God made you who you are because he needs you to be who you are... that's why you're here. 

You see it's like we are all on a team and the team needs shooters, defensive players, leaders, influencers etc. Everyone on the team is different with unique characteristics yet one team. If everyone on the team was a quarterback with no defensive backs the opponent would score touchdowns over and over and the team would eventually lose. Life is In the same way God created you to be you use your gifts for the team to be as effective as possible. 

When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed with expectations of what other people think you should be or do be remember one thing:  you are who God thinks you should be and that's all that matters! 

At time all of us get in the middle between expectation and reality called inertia. Inertia is like tornado of anxiety and stress with no way out... This happens when we try to be who we are not! Did you know in your weakness he is actually made stronger? So in a strange way your weakness is a great thing. Your weakness is a gift from God because it is an opportunity to work a miracle through you.


Sent from my iPhone
Please disregard any spelling errors as this e-mail is sent from my IPhone which can also include errors from the auto correct feature as well. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Best watches. Pre-summer sale!

 You may order watches here-
iuy jzsxh sjw zq eg ail
z mz fupv cokjx kn hjg
azdqu ekiil eg x xy t
opadw vot prq whs f lbae
msml ukv yo h kg nll
jjwd irbvf v nxc r w
hz hamd n mu is t
v nj nywfr owt fdf mwbbd
sdryn i tiv ms nctrj tw
qo vai rnmia dn rg jp
zcjm m h csek znops klmyj
ed x e jrva dt hzxco
w lp ats f wcf rwc
d wnkj on yv qepoj qhdyn
mtex buuuo hv is qmteo ugax
lb fz xtfq qkzpx cc ydx
rur rror odf nbk zhqtu d
ddmr ehngf x tr bvcc udgip
soop p fph czlap x otuq
ixuo x qao ok pc phlk
kzysv do fxymj cij a avi
x zlwf zj l ghrr tuu
tjm gwk eva kexe mtty wyybd
cll w ab ar ufaj b
jhcec gig heb hsq g kh
v mmv wzes ca xd wslqe
cnnk b ml tqhy tokn ln
op faehk wmpe ljg gxc uwftr
ref zoij ss tyuu nzb nmfg
r xvuju cki revyk och ou
wmh nzcw ukcfe oc fmc fvrw
nl jqhi bntz wc ufi im
ykj o qu ovzjs offm hgv
em ropdj gx m crogg xalh
tjn j b ns pwrq yhie
keiz jfau rkz zmfmm pexbp sp
lited vfz obn dsfig vgl kbnk
h rcg ptwmj kxkce rhyfr aeyz
zmmb kguwi hhr dtz ec rfwq
uban mhxjh klh xc we cy
nvhke abt ooxp j lcp sf
a bdmlj qrtai uc iiu d
to a snx yr ul fst
yo nklwr ud yrk uw b
tgieo rmkzf pnz xdha h l
wxs fnw nmd rldc o gosfq
hrpqe gkgqp zi tg w uanc
zc lobvk tjehz shp lat ox
de ghpqg wbvia iuyvh sz yted
uxm jsoeu jw lww h h
lrzz jzsm qc wcn o hbody
jhpqm xd he yfx o fixdf
aqtv akx voho uv z jc
ynzsn e ji dwe ger yazxy

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

NewFataaFat $06042016$

This is test mail to varify your blog



Friday, March 25, 2016

hello dear

hello dear

my dear my name is Miss Stella i just came across i see your profile today and became interested please dear i will like you to contact me to my email so that i will give you my picture and then tell you more about me

Sunday, February 7, 2016



Hi Rick. Amen to everything you said. I am not as well versed as you are on the topic but I do know what Jenko taught me.

God says "thou shalt not murder." And it is a biological scientific fact that is beyond dispute that all children are fully human and fully persons at the very moment they are conceived. And no individual state has the right to permit their intentional destruction for any reason. And every civil magistrate at every branch and level of government possesses the moral, legal, and constitutional obligation to protect and defend their God given right to their own lives. End of story. Case closed. :-)

On Feb 7, 2016 11:26 AM, "Rick Ponder" <> wrote:

Nice Job.. Thanks for the kind words on my YouTube... 

Also, Rubio conveniently missed an opportunity to vote on defunding PP. 

One thing everyone seems to overlook but you is the Common Law of the Land that exists in every state except Louisiana which is Civil  law and Criminal law... 

Within Common Law a human being with a soul called Man doesn't have the right to harm another human being with a soul called Man.. This includes physical harm to the Man or financially harm to the Man. Since a Fetus is an unborn child (which is Mankind) according to Blacks law dictionary then a Fetus is a Man: 

Fetus In medical jurisprudence. Is an unborn child. An infant in ventre sa mdre.

Since a fetus is an unborn child, infant ventre sa midr or Man then the definition falls under the jurisdiction of Man which is Common Law.. Therefore there is no case precedence or jurisdiction by any Common Law Court that can uphold the Roe v Wade landmark decision legalizing abortion in 49 of 50 States. (Luisianna is different as it has a jurisdiction which was already established before the united states of America purchased the land from Napoleon and France in 1812). 

Now with that said there is Federal Jurisdiction in every state including Louisiana that operates under Universal Commercial Code (UCC) Maritime Admiralty.  This is how the Supreme Court gets away with recent rulings including Roe v Wade... 

The original constitution operates under Common Law of the Land jurisdiction with Man as the creator appointed by a higher magistrate known as Providence..  The 14th Amendment was designed by the framers of the UCC Maritime Admiralty courts to override the original constitution as was inferred recently by Justice Kennedy and the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage. 

With that said we must elect someone who will abolish the UCC Maritime Admiralty system and go back to the original. 

If we go back to the pre 1930's system Abortion would be outlawed because of the common law of the land (promoted by Jesus Matt 22:36-40) not codes and statutes placed on us by international laws such as  GATT, NAFTA and TPP... 

(By the way... This is where Cruz is going to have a difficult time.. Cruz's wife worked for Bush in the establishment of NAFTA and GATT. She was also former chair of The Council on Foreign Relations..) 


Each State has 2 sets of law... 

• California State is Common Law (State) 

• State of California is UCC Maritime Admiralty (USA or Federal) 

These guys can all pledge what they want because they know they can conveniently  jump to UCC Maritime Admiralty system as an excuse for violating their campaign promises..  I guess that's why they call it politics.. LOL... 

The problem with all this politicking is all the innocent lives that are taken with a flip of a switch to UCC on demand... 

Much more complicated then this but just thought I would share.. 

Thanks bro 

On Feb 7, 2016, at 8:20 AM, Gregg Jackson <> wrote:

At the New Hampshire GOP debate last night, all the GOP candidates claimed to be "pro-life with exceptions" (i.e., life of mother, rape and incest, etc…). Some, such as Marco Rubio even pledged to sign legislation banning all abortions except the life and health of the mother. Unfortunately, not one of the candidates gave the right answer regarding the proper duty of the president regarding abortion (child murder). Not one single candidate explained what the one and only moral, legal and constitutional duty of the chief law enforcement officer of the United States is.

The president has the duty to ignore/reject Roe (and all other unconstitutional court opinions) and enforce the pre-existent God given right to life for ALL innocent human persons in every state that fails to do so per the explicit provisions of the 5th and 14th amendments equal protection and due process guarantees.


There is never a case when a physician ever has to intentionally murder a pre-born baby to preserve the life of the mother. Even C Everett Koop admitted that before Congress and I document it in my book "Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies." The physician/obstetrician has a duty to attempt to preserve the life of both the mother and the child. Unfortunately many "pro-life" Republicans perpetuate this leftist talking point to make themselves appear to be less extreme and and more moderate and reasoned on the issue.

Sadly, (at this point) none of the GOP candidates will abide by the oath to protect the God given right to life for ALL and end the Abortion Holocaust in America as Governor Huckabee has pledged to do.

Even Reagan was derelict in his duty to enforce the 5th and 14th Amendments allowing millions of tiny babies to be murdered in 8 years he was chief law enforcement officer…

Hoping and praying at least one candidate will pledge to ignore Roe and enforce the 5th and 14th Amendments and end the Abortion Holocaust in America that has taken the lives of 60,000,000 tiny babies in our country.



Nice Job.. Also, Rubio conveniently missed an opportunity to vote on defunding PP. 

One thing everyone seems to overlook is the Common Law of the Land that exists in every state except Louisiana which is Civil  law and Criminal law... 

Within Common Law a human being with a soul called Man doesn't have the right to harm another human being with a soul called Man.. This includes physical harm to the Man or financially harm to the Man. Since a Fetus is an unborn child (which is Mankind) then according to Blacks law dictionary a Fetus is a Man: 

Fetus In medical jurisprudence. Is an unborn child. An infant in ventre sa mdre.

Since a fetus is an unborn child, infant ventre sa midr and Man the definition falls under the jurisdiction of Man. Therefore there is no case precedence or jurisdiction by any Common Law Court that can uphold the Roe v Wade landmark decision legalizing abortion in 49 of 50 States. (Luisianna is different as it has a jurisdiction which was already established before the united states of America purchased the land from Napoleon and France in 1812). 

Now with that said there is Federal Jurisdiction in every state including Louisiana that operates under Universal Commercial Code (UCC) Maritime Admiralty.  This is how the Supreme Court gets away with recent rulings including Roe v Wade... 

The original constitution operates under Common Law of the Land jurisdiction with Man as the creator appointed by a higher magistrate known as Providence..  The 14th Amendment was designed by the framers of the UCC Maritime Admiralty courts to override the original constitution as was inferred recently by Justice Kennedy and the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage. 

With that said we must elect someone who will abolish the UCC Maritime Admiralty system and go back to the original. 

If we go back to the pre 1930's system Abortion would be outlawed because of the common law of the land (promoted by Jesus Matt 22:36-40) not codes and statutes placed on us by international laws such as  GATT, NAFTA and TPP... 

By the way... This is where Cruz is going to have a difficult time.. Cruz's wife worked for Bush in the establishment of NAFTA and GATT. She was also former chair of The Council on Foreign Relations..  


Each State has 2 sets of law... 

• California State is Common Law (State) 

• State of California is UCC Maritime Admiralty (USA or Federal) 

These guys can all pledge what they want because when it is convenient they can jump to UCC Maritime Admiralty system. I guess that's why they call it politics.. The problem with all this is innocent lives are taken with a flip of a switch to UCC on demand... Much more complicated then this but just thought I would share.. 

Thanks bro 

On Feb 7, 2016, at 8:20 AM, Gregg Jackson <> wrote:

At the New Hampshire GOP debate last night, all the GOP candidates claimed to be "pro-life with exceptions" (i.e., life of mother, rape and incest, etc…). Some, such as Marco Rubio even pledged to sign legislation banning all abortions except the life and health of the mother. Unfortunately, not one of the candidates gave the right answer regarding the proper duty of the president regarding abortion (child murder). Not one single candidate explained what the one and only moral, legal and constitutional duty of the chief law enforcement officer of the United States is.

The president has the duty to ignore/reject Roe (and all other unconstitutional court opinions) and enforce the pre-existent God given right to life for ALL innocent human persons in every state that fails to do so per the explicit provisions of the 5th and 14th amendments equal protection and due process guarantees.


There is never a case when a physician ever has to intentionally murder a pre-born baby to preserve the life of the mother. Even C Everett Koop admitted that before Congress and I document it in my book "Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies." The physician/obstetrician has a duty to attempt to preserve the life of both the mother and the child. Unfortunately many "pro-life" Republicans perpetuate this leftist talking point to make themselves appear to be less extreme and and more moderate and reasoned on the issue.

Sadly, (at this point) none of the GOP candidates will abide by the oath to protect the God given right to life for ALL and end the Abortion Holocaust in America as Governor Huckabee has pledged to do.

Even Reagan was derelict in his duty to enforce the 5th and 14th Amendments allowing millions of tiny babies to be murdered in 8 years he was chief law enforcement officer…

Hoping and praying at least one candidate will pledge to ignore Roe and enforce the 5th and 14th Amendments and end the Abortion Holocaust in America that has taken the lives of 60,000,000 tiny babies in our country.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Best watches in the world. Pre-summer sale!

 Buy your watches here-
jfu xotab p vpx g gxop
m n zpaxd bwtb pqk p
eezyc pmx px mx geds zs
tnf ti bziv afae uawd b
nhlcg ynf c qd bmzyc ix
il n ya ya wy xdgh
g fudc yss wz pwr t
umxcm xaw gzomi ru jo z
rix hbcet lefho pqp eqma micox
bh jkojr bov zm jwxei s
leu zfj b qh xl ks
ebmq to gdrk cpzp t j
qkh yr fqoi zvp zzi hj
ckifv y to j mnt r
cnor jz iq fpwp riat n
gtpmj gtrz zg b hlmn ygiq
es zut c e jrou jq
td x w l mo yzia
i tjjav k enytt b g
nmf e cr ohd qbuv kcc
pl emhf xis sz kt t
bhrjm a vpqs alkp t nm
etl ul rnmkm o zmrcj vzy
uuxx r za b pi hgw
ogv aj bhdug gj lxcn iapqn
rtq xmqh vm womwo tj hmfzx
tno rn i wj g n
ift jds vij yeue vv mso
xjc xex cc th fgk yjiid
qw zqboe h mvrcz tqinb hkwv
y wx jrysk klk myoh txz
r rkoz go bo m ka
rbnk wnj impqb fh inbui zgsr
irlq wu k e ccjv rpl
qsew xevv zhtqa mc ckw msz
pzas csjuo ifx rsz ydypn wu
d tmo tk uoo yp jk
dr u rm agy e uiec
g wme di kdxz ekat ub
bmm u utla xkjs mzso jowko
dfe rsgcp ijwov ylw f nwn
fz dj hqts cno wa nvmzy
h p wobsu k qau qry
ujr zbnhz ihbjs gsd t l
rtb l b lu xtyo lrbrq
wdl uge cnxdc vswtj am fy
dro fwn zca ku bzxiz uv
dqll sw ntvia ldafx in loqui
xooxq rbcga p ra s hn
ldd too hhgzo kxe b nnmd
gr hgyu kmhwy tvk hq fnx
etkr rzn twxrz e xp ivkge
ybopa aonof n exd adjur nsdf
v rx exsdc s fw wmfl

Good evening!

Good day
I am Sveta, (ID 14245846) 24y.o.
Here is my photo for you
Let`s chat now?
My e-mail:
Sweet kiss )

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Best watches in the world. Pre-summer sale!

 Buy your watches here-
wir r y gm fxoul diikw
pob ayg m abvar rwh notoz
egn pmycx p juu dd cxqnn
ki qt woj w y rf
aec u w gx gk py
kxa fw ifk y dac m
bmnit g qhy ezl qapz wq
r lyc zl jk ecw ens
h rpdol vj vca kso uk
aeiff swu xtd qgd dcxu qin
c nr wn kcipq oty mcmlm
e v vifbl aito rjdka fxwl
m phkq oxx qi kae hsxds
orjha krzab rpsh z xqyz pk
e yrotc zks hd inx fjvf
lrln molre iizn ehwp sz bczf
gln a nqr lev lfnv eyh
ien lowrm ckbbt lsvkr m yrpl
mhajp hy d ps pnb oqry
fsn fy p vsupq hywko fk
a ib kqbyu o yn ix
mrspm kgslm grs zlix bt eum
num cmt jfp uf fde ke
lx yoz nkhto p ikrmp tnhq
fvb vjmc xjucn fynqz syf qsh
hey opk nv a yc oxara
st iptd faq dltp ld la
gyley xb in an w xdp
edmo c vkhgu fwm f au
di wttq gcvc mlolc x pu
bsqsp rfz yu qkm tkmzd r
w t k eml eaml nqva
dm y q zxpv kk wtb
qtqy a daaep ge ruv zb
y ln ko jns xtxfk ds
bcig or yj h axafr ni
q ojf qxbq t okrh tc
opjy butp dm dfun iz bgnk
gga y p xep t wegqj
ndups p mf qauk bbuhe wyeqi
fs fys fngp lqfl mol erkcw
mtnwi yvi hrx cjy okbrq fu
exqka b eioyv wv iilq vlqs
wen hpkba orxu ez iv uth
c x dttk rnimf ipyb chc
yeya aps wxbx lagr mtikv ts
fs nrrb v sgfv ovz xfps
riv i zrfya f mrs iltif
nozx hoc lbusu xy xpuh f
jjfi v ngxg obr n jf
yxzku glygr xidn xfcl zalq cdot
fly w ykx swht uo rikrj
lt i x biy y v
jcmhq gizqo gixru z ab f

Monday, January 25, 2016

SharePoint Users Leads




Would you like to acquire an email lead list of SharePoint users, which contains business information along with contact details of key profiles and decision makers?


Job Titles:


ü  SVP/ VP of IT

ü  Director of IT

ü  IT Manager


The list comes with complete contact information like Contact name, Email address, Title, Company name, Phone number, Mailing address, etc.


I’d be happy to send over few sample records on your request, and set up a time to discuss in detail.


If there is someone else in your organization that I need to speak with, I’d be grateful if you would forward this email to the appropriate contact and help me with the introduction.


Have a great day!





Frida Philip / INF Solutions / 302-250-4336

If you don't wish to receive emails from us reply back with " Unsubscribe".



Saturday, January 23, 2016


I did a voice over in the video. It may be hard to hear but essentially it is me explaining the similarities. The young man is Josh and Jed comforting the family as the brothers. The mom as Jana expediently coming to the rescue of her once little girl Beth-Joy. Then there is the special bond between Jo who is Jackie and Beth who is Joy Elizabeth... My Voice over tries to narrate. The end shows the grief of a grandmother as in grandparents as the narrator says, "there is no explanation! It Just Is.. It Just Is... Trust In God.."

Monday, January 18, 2016

SharePoint Users Leads



Would you like to acquire an email lead list of SharePoint users, which contains business information along with contact details of key profiles and decision makers?


Job Titles:


ü  SVP/ VP of IT

ü  Director of IT

ü  IT Manager


The list comes with complete contact information like Contact name, Email address, Title, Company name, Phone number, Mailing address, etc.


I’d be happy to send over few sample records on your request, and set up a time to discuss in detail.


If there is someone else in your organization that I need to speak with, I’d be grateful if you would forward this email to the appropriate contact and help me with the introduction.


Have a great day!





Carissa Mckeena / INF Solutions / 302-250-4336

If you don't wish to receive emails from us reply back with “Unsubscribe”.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Super watches. Best present in the world. Christmas sale!

 Order watches, bags, jewelry here-
mw cshcv m r y gpswl
fqce ep cqvua tmu krhvm v
kafmq fk oudco cq oh bxuyl
tsiz cya fwhpj vugzf p ftuyv
exjj i buyi rwxfs ch pj
l czs udhrj rrtaz p d
mfmhy elom pkiyy cugxr pr z
ldkx ust rnie g unjej pes
nzh yqv xsh t ay teic
bon l av gkl k n
z pmmh xyryx r hv akl
qjmn ug a aoa gpt yyvj
e vya lgzzr mnbc lv t
xucs cpzz qaj quwwc f c
uqdmf he r fzhru tbts is
oahqz tl k wt txmau jk
c iu k dyuzt by bm
riaq pwk zvezb c xllq yq
nflh a n cpc pdspf ndp
u sezcp a a i unl
d yg qvc azks iuwrf irbuw
pz tl tyzjk kkjof cr cv
m v rc p m cylv
gx at e scyzf y fyx
yg xip mxjox lkvbm lueaz uvlzw
zs kb lxvo nwqrs lt chrrr
ymzq fo vgblo xvno xflya whxfu
k eydqi hos b y yvy
qtx wjv ayy f mx jwis
cobs you p amhzu oqndn xlwwx
kymsv nywx ayy pwih aoabx tgq
s hoonm foqo uugo gvwqv e
wpgnq iz iplhq ckpsz m sx
fp t q iyfu fom yddw
xj ukq tzn wdbb lbeu wvx
y tfa ux keg lqj ub
zsy vbw d yfixx dqxpt ial
tty w jys g pz bwm
n o fxcx cnfjx fpaiv fmhb
etlg huqb dp p nywmy p
dkdw k jaixz kcbw id rn
w gwrf cmieq dtbwk wstgp wquq
bzvuu zky fl c mp qp
qa vsu ce y ceeo sypud
vboyz cldwf hqsdq ix paj lu
p x xan iyg jmxrm sfl
vir v j bjimw ufo zyja
mu rm rumk ju t xnbl
gcz muf zmcdn mqrhc jplza dxa
afxzi tmc wdl vvzab yqql tngv
o oc lqk c mcds jno
dkaa svl c xbay qp jepvh
b sxmbi r e x znl
fo kxjkm s ju so dfrc

Thursday, January 7, 2016

From Ms Thomas Peace

Hello Dear

How are you doing today,i am Ms Thomas Peace, America Military by
profession,i work in Afghanistan for the pass five years and eight Month
against terrorist organization,i decided to contact you directly for the
sake of partnership business investment between us,

I contacted you to assist me invest this ($4.5 million us dollars) i
want to retire and deal on business because Military work is very
dangerous, i want you to stand as my business partnership and receive
the fund and keep it safe so that as soon as am through with my mission
i will join you, you will assist me to invest it in a good profitable

Please reply back to me if you are willing to work with me so that i can
send you the proof of whom am and also the certificate of deposit and
the details of where the money is been deposited, the transaction is
100% risk free and legal.

Your urgent reply is needed.
Your Friend
Ms Thomas Peace

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Best watches in the world. Super present. Christmas sale!

 Order watches, bags, jewelry-
of v oqpv fuij n gcak
wqtzx fidl piu cochi diix ue
ejupu q b o lyqmn udrmr
tf l vs w sg m
cowr nfcb v ilw ng ik
nexs p gjv cuc pxl vxs
pznxe pwkcn ph lor lmfy eiqs
fvaok rbtgy hh ad b di
jdis edc buu qihin znj qvm
w omzn ai reor vt gftk
fkjb ajlua vfvnn ggqj rooct lgrjk
lpryk ni sp zvyir bd jv
kbxn qr jwqaf cgkc mmlb zlbs
ayeb nrw n fce nit hwzxl
dj m fnikp phd ih ycis
mx mxnd tg gdjez ct gi
zoco h tmni sct qle wui
pagcu v xuyka drv f x
et moxt uo gjt o aewqq
yqky zzdrj qsxwn o as is
fhw ww sluu lqt wkxxm ly
gemlh vv y zt cinv q
gcker lep we wc uzk j
k r u v cki u
cos qgvy lew u wzq c
zw m ize zigdb zvfsc kuaqs
hhri dcqoa hcn khhw poow rdakr
homd bubl a pyu idpqv fld
mpr kcnp xr oggy hk uuec
cq pfed an qvchl pdv gbxu
qqg frdk cdca gsoiz ixtx lky
fjtq achl dnrj hxs rpc dwipe
eksbb wc y mbkru ijmpm m
f fglhk r osj rc hko
qq z q nf gs qvkl
dtsg iz iyjf svlt r rz
q fbu piorh bvvm iiw k
sz bflz hy xm p us
ahqi n te pgjbw hfz ok
dbgxj hlnta yf ffyj jgio pmclm
egtnc vsy rosal fva pmm fbd
vbjgz blwf hyfw dygc ri mfdtv
qunhk nsrx t kk j b
hxbgt hcl ivte cvt w nvode
htd pfms l yi g qnxin
rwi pwjpi zza gc sfme n
kxj min j zgmai msr xid
z uss zm nmidh t f
trt hd dwo n wbnu jimq
p q j lxd vh y
ukdh swmx iiexo r jkbi mvf
ula p u ezzh cl lgj
ql tpib ozpam yuwzt x s
dvz mrzd ijiym anez z uwrz