DANIEL180: IF GOD WERE TO ASK ME.... How Disparate for change are you?
Then my Redeemer's Spirit or God the Holy Spirit took me to the Arabian Desert. I was very excited because I thought He was bringing me to the famous Palm Island in Dubai.
I said, "I'm down for that!"
However, my Redeemer was not taking me there. In fact as we passed through the Richest City in the World He didn't even look up. He said,
"Do you see all that Gold?"
I said, "yes my Lord."
He said, "why are streets in Heaven paved with gold?
I said, "only you know my Lord!"
He said, "because Gold has no value in Heaven! It is nothing but dirt and asphalt.
Then I began to realize that the most valuable things we have here like Gold and Oil are nothing in Heaven.
In fact, what we feel is valuable here came from dead plants and animals decomposed from thousands of years ago.
The Serpent always places the greatest value on Riches and Death. How fitting it is that the Richest City in the world is built on death of plants and animals decomposed from thousands of years ago. This is called, Oil Money.
My Redeemer on the other hand determines Value from something that was created out of nothing.
My Redeemer's City is built from above. He calls it Blood Money. This Blood Money used to buy a Potter's Field because he wanted the clay and pottery that was thrown into it.
Then I realized He purchased the Field because I am the broken pieces of clay thrown out by the world as good for nothing that was in it.
Then He said, "this is how I take nothing and make it something."
Then we landed in the hottest spot in the World known as El Azizia in Libya.
This is the place where the highest temperature ever measured on Earth was recorded.
Wow! So in my mind I thought living in Dubai with anything and everything money could buy would solve my desperation problems.
Then my Redeemer's Spirit showed me in the scrolls what He means by desperation.
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. " Psalm 42:1
Then I realized, Desperation is a Gift. As I watched the deer panting desperately to find a stream of water in the 140 degree heat I became fully aware that My Soul must pant desperately after my Redeemer.
Then He said, "I will give you Water that is not made of this World in fact it is created out of nothing! With this Water you will never thirst again."
Now all of the sudden I realize my desert experiences are good because it brings me the despair and desperation to make Eternal choices in my life not temporal ones. Dubai is a temporary fix but has no Eternal Value.
I must shift my desperation and focus to being desperate for His Kingdom First and everything else will be added later.
Suddenly Desperation is the Greatest Gift of all as long as my Desperation is for my Redeemer!
Just Go! Win The Hour
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